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cze 26, 2016
Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI
  • small bugfixes
  • a new option "--pilot" which allows specyfying the length of piloting signal for conversion from binary files (bin/xex/com/bas...) to standard tapes in cas/wav/hex format
  • each input file can now have it's own set of conversion options. You can specify options for input file specific options by separating them from filename with colon, for example to create cas file from hybrid wav file (starndard + turbo format) you can use the following syntax:

    a8cas-util.pl conv hybrid.wav:endtime=65 hybrid.wav:starttime=65:turbo=turbo2000:amplify=2 hybrid.cas
cze 3, 2016
Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI

Addedd possibility to convert binary files to standard tapes.

Now You can do this:

          a8cas-util.pl conv loader.bin program.xex program.cas

or this:

          a8cas-util.pl conv loader.bin program.xex program.wav

(Note however, that init calls which require longer gaps between blocks are not supported. Yet.)


sty 25, 2015
Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI
It should be released very long time ago.
  • added TapeWiz support (very basic, this format is checksumless)
  • added generic PWM support, any PWM encoded recording can be decoded into pwml-only data chunks. This is similar to fsk-only decoding for FSK encoded tapes. In fact this mode can be used to archive any Atari tapes (FSK tapes too) and to archive tapes dedicated for any other computers (for example I have successfully tested it with TRS-80 recordings).

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