Examples - MK.Turbo
All news
Feb 28, 2010
Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI
- Added highpass filter for all turbo formats. It centers signal towards level 0, thus allowing more amplification without loosing information. Conversion from audio to cas/hex can be more reliable now. Cutoff frequency is specific for every format.
- Resonant lowpass filter can now be used for all turbo formats. Cutoff frequency is specific for every format. This filter amplifies narrowest impulses (usually they are also weakest) and blocks some of high frequency noise.
- Support for Turbo Rom slowly improves.
Feb 25, 2010
Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI
- Sample rate calculations for turbo formats during conversion to audio files shoud work correctly from now on. Sample rate specified as command line option (--samplerate) will cause appropriate recalculation of widths of impulses.
- "--invert" should finally do what it is supposed to do. Note, that when You specify "--invert" to convert audio -> cas, then conversion cas -> audio without "--invert" will produce the wave which looks like the original
- small modifications of HEX format
Feb 22, 2010
Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI
- Added support for HEX files (CAS in human readable and editable form), both reading and writing to such files is supported.
- Full support for conversion between any of formats: audio, A8CAS, HEX (any direction)
- Preliminary support for conversion from audio/A8CAS/HEX to binary files; currently basic Turbo Blizzard programs can be converted to xex (files in DOS FMS format), tapes in native Atari format can be converted to .xex, .bin (one part boot programs) or .bas (programs written in basic)
- Added support for ATT (Atari Turbo Tape) and UM (Unerring Master), which are the clones of AST.
- Many fixes, improvements and tweaks
Previous page: Examples - Turbo Blizzard
Next page: Examples - Turbo 2000 K.S.O.